Wednesday, April 10, 2024



For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf

‘Deplorable’ Americans however confounded Soros by not voting for “What can we do for you, George?” Hillary Clinton. 

His ambition is without borders -- “The Soviet Empire is now the Soros Empire.” “I’m the Pope’s boss now.” And so on, ad nauseum. Yet, like other tyrants, he is untouchable. Those he has made richer and more powerful protect him.

Recently in an interview on his simpering NPR, Soros confessed he was unprepared for the populist opposition to his insurrectionary agenda. Let us continue our opposition. Let us demand Soros be investigated and brought to justice as conditional for obtaining our vote. Those with connection to him must be banned from public office, and his assets frozen. Then his parasitical minions will shrivel, like leeches desiccated by a pinch of salt. If not, although we may escape the mass slaughter of the twentieth century, it will be at the cost of vassalage beneath a tyrant like George Soros.

College students try to cancel Jewish existence in Philadelphia

For 28 years, the Israeli consulates in America have sponsored the Israeli Film Festival, showcasing films that depict various slices of Israeli life.  One of the festival’s destinations has been the “City of Brotherly Love,” Philadelphia.  The films selected are apolitical, mainly, and depict various aspects of Israeli customs, cultures, and citizenry.

But not much love was on display in Philadelphia this week.

One of the venues for the Israeli films has historically been the Bryn Mawr Film Institute (BMFI) in tony Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, known for its showings of international and indie films.  Its subscriber base is brainy and to a degree Jewish.  But all was vanquished, or attempted to be, by the totally un-American actions of some pro-Palestinian dictatorial thugs from nearby Haverford College.

It is incomprehensible, but, purportedly, two miserable, hate-filled dissembling student groups, at Haverford College, objected to the film festival and demanded that the tone-deaf and myopic owners or the Board of Directors shut down the showing — which they initially did.  Additionally, they were attempting to shut down and censor the entire festival.

Perhaps this was the last straw, or the first straw, but Jewish howling was vociferous in response.  Within 36 hours, a court filing obtained an injunction, and the BMFI was forced to show the film.  The theater was packed.  One Board member resigned, and the entity apologized.  Big whoop.  One can only hope that no Jew enters that hateful place again.  BMFI will just keep taking the Arab money that has already corrupted a once venerable institution.

Prior to the showing on Lancaster Avenue, where the theater is located, Jewish protesters and some friends waved Israeli and American flags, peacefully sang songs, and made their disdain felt.  A huge Lower Merion police force lined the street and the theater, and we were grateful for their presence.

israel protest philadelphia

In Germany in 1939 and thereafter, laws against Jews proliferated.  Jews were not allowed to work in government or universities, and Jewish-owned establishments were boycotted and forced to close.  Jewish professors were banned from university jobs.  Then they went after the LGBT community and the Gypsy community.  And then they instituted their “final solution.”

Of course, no laws against Jews have been enacted.  But Arab groups are hell-bent on doing the dirty deeds themselves.

Is this what we want for America?  Really?

On April 15, the Muslims are declaring an international day of disruption.  Where are our leaders?  Who will speak out courageously, as has Senator John Fetterman?

We Jews are few, and our enemies are multitudinous and filthy rich.  America, you need to help us.

<p><em>Image via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image via Pexels.


Obama-Biden Administration Was Creeping Fascism

By Leo Goldstein

The similarities between the Obama administration and Italian fascism have been pointed out many times. Over a dozen articles about this are on this site alone (1234). It is usually said that fascism is a strain of socialism in which the means of production are beneficially owned by private persons but controlled by the government.

Both the Obama administration and Mussolini used a financial crisis to take over banks and industry. Mussolini openly assumed complete control of them, even though partial private ownership was allowed to remain. The U.S. government bailed out banks and the auto industry in 2008, before Obama was inaugurated. It did not own the banks, but the bailout created public sentiment in favor of government control of the banks and more regulation of all businesses. Obama used this sentiment to its full extent. Elizabeth Warren led the creation of the partisan Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which wielded unprecedented powers and was unaccountable to Congress. By 2016, the corporate world was already subverted and controlled by the Democrat administration. For example, all banks refused to deal with Donald Trump in 2016. The democrat-controlled media misrepresented the cause of this discrimination. Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau effectively allowed the ruling administration to strangle its opposition financially.

Citizens United v. FEC, decided by the Supreme Court in January 2010, very likely radicalized Democrats even further into total fascism. The Supreme Court confirmed that private corporations have the First Amendment right to use their money to support political candidates; Democrats concluded that they would have to control corporations to win elections.

Starting in 2010, the Obama administration viciously targeted any effective opposition, including the Tea Party movement, which was obliterated. The IRS was most notorious for targeting Tea Party organizations, but the DOJ (Eric Holder) and the FBI (Robert Mueller) also participated. What do we call regimes that destroy non-violent opposition movements?

A few months before the 2012 elections, Obama’s DOJ sued Gallup for hinting that the government had manipulated unemployment numbers. Additionally, Obama’s DOJ sued Standard & Poor’s for $5 billion for downgrading the federal debt, Treasurys. As a result, nobody challenges the false current inflation numbers, and the credit rating agencies do not dare downgrade the Treasurys below their current AA+/AAA rating.

The Obama administration also waged and eventually won the war on Fox News. It also chilled media criticism of Obama and the administration’s agenda. The DOJ and FBI (Robert Mueller and James Comey) criminally prosecuted and imprisoned filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza and lied about the initiation and predication of that investigation. (D’Souza had produced a film criticizing and mocking Obama.)

Similarly, climate scientists who opposed the administration's climate dogma were defunded and silenced. Then, the Obama administration intimidated businesses into not donating to nonprofits linked to climate dissent, essentially stifling corporate donations to almost all right-of-center think tanks.

Much of this information was not known during the Obama administration, and most of the public missed it. How could this happen? Where was the media—the self-appointed guard dog of democracy? In the beginning, the mainstream media was enamored with Obama. By the time it realized the severity of Obama’s abuses of power, it was no longer able to mount any opposition.

How did this happen? The Obama administration started by hand-picking tech corporations, who then quickly and consequently became what we now call “Big Tech.” Combined with other measures, this effectively gave the administration control over the flow of information, including the news.

As newspapers, journals, and magazines transitioned to the Internet, Google and Microsoft took authors’ copyrighted content without compensation and offered access to it through their search engines. Improvements in Google’s search engine meant exploiting other people’s work more efficiently.

The Obama administration failed to enforce copyright laws on written works, in violation of Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution which reads:

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries[.]

By 2009, the news media was able to connect its financial difficulties to Google. Rupert Murdoch attempted to work out a compromise with Big Tech, but the administration waged war on him.

Instead of enforcing copyright laws, the Democrats arranged for Big Tech, specifically Google, to pay only selected outlets, such as The New York Times. This resulted in the media becoming entirely dependent on the Big Tech corporations Obama chose. The administration also signed special agreements with these Big Tech corporations and patronized them with thousands of government accounts, effectively eliminating all other competitors.

Democrats also disregarded the second part of the above clause regarding Inventors and Discoveries. The seemingly bipartisan “America Invents Act”, passed under intense lobbying by Big Tech, made most patents unenforceable retroactively. Although there was a legitimate controversy about software patents, the leading cause for this reform was that the tech companies picked by the Obama administration were young and entirely based on inventions made by others. For example, Facebook was founded in 2004, after inventions that led to the creation of the interactive web had already been made. So, for Big Tech to not pay royalties or give credit to the original inventors, the government re-distributed wealth from the pioneers of the Internet to the multi-billion dollar corporations of its choice.

Obamanet was another major strike against freedom, forcing all publishers and authors to go through Google and other internet gatekeepers.

Thus, the opposition press was muzzled and driven almost to extinction without the public noticing. The Big Tech winners, cherry-picked by the Obama administration, became the administration’s most enthusiastic supporters. In addition to its monopoly of information, Big Tech also provided Democrats troves of private data and the capacity for mass surveillance and economic marginalization of dissenters. By 2013, Twitter was suspending accounts criticizing Obamacare.

Trump’s victory in 2016 came as a shock for Democrats who thought they had a firm grip on both the corporations and the media. It was as if Mussolini decided to allow sham elections and suddenly lost them. While Obama expected to quit after his two terms, the corporations who had developed this symbiotic relationship with the ruling Democrat party needed it to remain in power. Together with young and hungry Democrat operatives, they launched the resistance.

In 2016, the Democrat government apparatus, which had destroyed the Tea Party, jailed Dinesh D’Souza, hounded dissenting voices from Fox News to the Associated Press (some articles), and had now set its sights on Donald Trump. In hindsight, this was predictable.

In 2021, Biden confirmed what many had suspected — Democrats wanted the Republican party as a controlled opposition. In January 2021, Biden was telling the public what the Republican party should be. By March 2021, Biden was already saying that he is not sure whether there will be a Republican party in 2024.

Obamaism and Italian fascism have more in common than ideological similarities. Before WWI, Mussolini was a non-fascist socialist; socialists were anti-war. What turned Mussolini against anti-war socialism was Marx’s observation that wars are followed by revolutions. If wars cause revolutions, let’s join the war! Notice how easy this switch was?

Image generated by AI.


“Obama would declare himself president for life

with Soros really running the show, as he did for

the entire Obama presidency.”

Time to Deep-Six the Democrats' Brand of Democracy

By Albin Sadar

The Democrats warn us almost daily that re-electing Donald Trump in 2024 will spell the end of democracy. But, technically, do we even live in a country whose constitution established us as a "democracy"?

When Benjamin Franklin left the Constitutional Convention of 1787, he was greeted by a woman who asked him point-blank, "Well, doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?" Mr. Franklin's terse response: "A republic, madam -- if you can keep it."

It is significant that Franklin did not say that the form of government that the Founders created was a democracy. We are, in fact, as most of us know (or should certainly know), a constitutional republic.

We are not a country where 51% of citizens can outvote the other 49%, then tell them what they can and cannot do. We are a representative government with checks and balances built in as guaranteed safeguards against a majority of strong-willed individuals lording it over the meek, timid, and disadvantaged. Both majority and minority have a true say in how every citizen is governed.

The First Amendment guaranteeing free speech has always been key if we hope to "keep the republic." Once that is co-opted -- then controlled and censored -- an unsuspecting public will be easily swayed into thinking in line with whatever ensures that an elite few can gain and maintain power. Manipulating the masses is the goal.

Election season is always ripe for the misuse of our First Amendment. If the leftist elites that currently control the many facets of our culture -- the press, academia, entertainment, business and, yes, even many religious institutions -- continue unabated, the noble idea and ideals upon which America was established will soon become a regrettable lost cause of the past.

Obviously, two powerful forces remain in the battle to control America through the presidency in this year's election. On one side, the Democrats with their twisted definition of America, aided by a Deep State, far-left, globalist, RINO, and woke contingency; on the other, all those pushing back, whether part of the America First and MAGA crowd or the myriad other freedom-loving citizens of all stripes awake to the evil that has accelerated over these past three years.

Since the 2020 presidential contest, which was declared by the powers that be "the most secure election in American history," there is a majority of citizens who have serious doubts about the validity of the result. Another percentage naively believe that that sort of third-world, election-stealing shenanigans could never happen here. And yet another, smaller group knows for a fact that the election was not secure in the least, because they themselves were flat-out involved in rigging and stealing it. On November 3rd through 6th of 2020, a group of Democrat operatives blatantly and quite effectively ended the concept of free and fair elections, thus negating one of the keystones of self-rule by We the People.

Building upon that 2020 "win," Democrats and their tyrannical gang have since targeted anyone who stands in the way of their fundamental transformation of this country, President Trump chief among their adversaries. As Trump so often reminds us, the Left is not after him, they are after independent, free-thinking, non-compliant Americans. He's just standing in their way.

And stand he has.

After everything the Left has manufactured to take Trump out, every sort of imagined or concocted crime, Trump still stands. And, undeterred, fights back. He refuses to simply fade away. Democrats and their machine on the left roll out their revenge and retribution daily on Trump because he had the audacity to run for president in the first place. Then to win. Then to win a second time.

From the primary trail over the past several months, Trump has also highlighted that, besides honest elections, another crucial facet necessary for a country to exist as a sovereign nation is a secure border. We can all clearly see what the Biden administration has allowed to transpire at the southern border. Millions of illegal aliens have simply strolled across our wide-open borders and are now who-knows-where throughout our country. Does this indicate a government that is concerned about sovereignty or security in any way, shape, or form?

Other traits indicative of the Democrats' brand of democracy include publicly labeling political adversaries as "domestic terrorists"; using excessive force and exaggerating charges when arresting dissenters; imprisoning protestors, such as those involved on January 6, without charges and due process; championing mob violence and looting from the progressive far Left; and so many additional tactics that might more readily apply to fascism than democracy.

All these destructive features touted by the Biden administration help to reveal the democracy to which the Democrats refer. And we need to squelch it sooner rather than later.

November 5th would be just in the nick of time.

Albin Sadar is author of Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It, as well as the children’s book collection Hamster Holmes: Box of Mysteries. Albin was formerly the producer of “The Eric Metaxas Show.”

Anti-Semitism may be Coming to Your Radio Station

By Bruce Holberg

Don’t be shocked if you tune in to your favorite conservative talk-radio show and instead hear someone of the same political stance as Rachel Maddow or Joy Reid. Before you crash your car or fall out of your chair, you should know what is taking place, why it is taking place, and your role in preventing what could be a severe reduction in conservative and pro-Israel voices on terrestrial radio.

George Soros, via Soros Fund Management (SFM), has acquired via a bankruptcy bailout a majority position in Audacy Inc, the licensee of 235 radio stations in the United States, plus digital programming, and podcasting outlets. Nationally, Audacy, the second largest radio company in America, claims to reach 200 million people a month through its various distribution channels including a near-monopoly on news and talk-formatted stations in many markets.

Here is what happened: Audacy, headquartered in Philadelphia, recently declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. In its recovery plan, it agreed to have various revenue sources buy its bank debt, and convert the debt to an equity stake in the new Audacy. SFM stepped up and acquired $415 million or about 40% of the broadcaster’s senior debt, making it the largest and controlling shareholder.

Here is why this should be of concern to all Americans, and especially for Jews across the country: Soros has shown us exactly what his game plan is. In 2022, the Soros-backed Latino Media Network, an affiliate of SGM, acquired an 18-station group of Spanish-language radio stations located in Florida serving the Cuban-American community. When the Latino Media Ntetwork bought them, they were center-right in their programming orientation and doing very well. Afterward, the stations programming flipped far to the Left in order to influence their audiences in that direction. Likely, this is his prototype for Audacy.

As the Federal Communication Commission is barred from controlling programming, SFM (via station management) can mostly do what it wants with the stations it is acquiring -- unless listeners and other interested parties (that would be us) can show the FCC commissioners that the company is unqualified to be a licensee.

SFM is largely owned by the same George Soros who, as reported in the New York Postfunneled $15 million to pro-Hamas groups in the United States between 2016-2023. Much of this went to the Tides Center, which in turn granted the money to the virulent groups organizing pro-Hamas and BDS protests in the U.S. Now they may be getting a big. megaphone for their views.

What about American support for Israel? Exactly where does this leftist icon stand on the nation-state of the Jewish People? Soros has a long history generously supporting organizations whose goals are to undermine or to outright destroy the Jewish state. In October, 2023, hundreds of protesters representing two anti-Israel groups funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) -- Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow -- infiltrated the Capitol to protest Israels alleged but false genocide” and blaming Israel for the October 7 mass rape and massacre. In 2007, Soros wrote an opinion piece in the Financial Times headlined America and Israel Must Open the Door to Hamas,” and in 2023 George Soros called for Israel to immediately begin a ceasefire and all the while funded a pro-Hamas organization called Al-Shabaka with more than half a million dollars.

As it relates to Israel, the OSF has been accused in the Israeli press of funding anti-Israel activist groups including Adalah, I’LAM and “Palestinian Citizens of Israel.” In 2013, Israel’s NGO Monitor released a report that OSF funding “contributes significantly to anti-Israel campaigns in three important respects:

1. Active in the Durban Strategy, which declared Palestinian residents of Israel are treated as second-class citizens and (falsely) equated Zionism with racism (this draft of the Declaration was so offensive that the U.S. and Israel withdrew from the conference;)

2. Funding aimed at weakening United States support for Israel by shifting public opinion regarding the Arab war against Israel, and Iran;

3. Funding for Israeli political opposition groups on the fringes of Israeli society which use the rhetoric of human rights to advocate for marginal political goals.”

Finally, Soros, through OFC, created a $1.8 million fund intended to train budding journalists to be assigned to keep track of “state government issues.” He created a boot camp of sorts in which to school them, no doubt, in his progressivism. In fact, this effort was done in cooperation with National Public Radio (NPR), the anti-Semitic public radio network. Some say NPR stands for National Palestinian Radio,” its reporting is so biased. The Soros “trained” journalists are placed at NPR stations throughout the country.

What can be done to prevent this massive radio group from coming under the control of the Soros affiliates? A bankruptcy judge has approved Audacys plan to come out of bankruptcy, including Soros acquisition of majority interest in the company. However, because this constitutes a change in control of the broadcasting company, it needs the approval of the FCC to take place. An outpouring of letters to the FCC Chairperson Jessica Rosenworcel, and other commissioners might get them to take a closer look at the transaction and possibly question Soros/SFM’s fitness as a licensee. Contact information for the FCC can be found here.

Having hundreds of stations and digital outlets under Soros’ influence is dangerous for America and especially Jewry, and although time is very tight, the control of Audacy by an avowed anti-Zionist is something we Americans must try to derail.

Image: Audacy, Inc.

‘Deplorable’ Americans however confounded Soros by not voting for “What can we do for you, George?” Hillary Clinton. 


His ambition is without borders -- “The Soviet Empire is now the Soros Empire.” “I’m the Pope’s boss now.” And so on, ad nauseum. Yet, like other tyrants, he is untouchable. Those he has made richer and more powerful protect him.



MOST CORRUPT VII: Joe Biden - Part I - Forgotten History







The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.


how many of these clowns are  gamer lawyers?

Burning Man Roast


MOST CORRUPT IV: President Barrack Obama - Forgotten History


Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”

For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf

George Soros Donates $125 Million to Democrats Before November Midterms 



Those are the subliterate, low-skill, non-English-speaking indigents whose own societies are unable or unwilling to usefully educate and employ them. Bring these people here and they not only need a lot of services, they are putty in the hands of leftist demogogues as Hugo Chavez demonstrated - and they are very useful as leftist voters who will support the Soros agenda.


Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George

Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times

‘Breaking Biden’ Author: ‘Biden Crime Family’ Would Be in ‘Handcuffs’ if U.S. Had a ‘Responsible Department of Justice’

Alana Mastrangelo

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and New York Times bestselling Breaking Biden author Alex Marlow told YouTuber Stephen Gardner the Bidens would be in “handcuffs” if the United States “had a responsible Department of Justice.”

George Soros: A New Kind of Tyrant?

By Diana Mary Sitek

The venomous careers of Hitler and Stalin provoked the study of totalitarian regimes as the very epitome of evil, depriving their citizens of freedom and of life itself. A state captured by a demagogue is considered a sure sign of danger ahead -- hence the alleged justification by the Left for their hysteria over “rabble rouser” Donald Trump’s election. Overlooked until more recently are the unelected, bloated bureaucratic fiefdoms and regulatory encroachments of both national and global government and non-governmental institutions, which have created the opportunity for a sinister, large scale violation of political power.

This new abuse was foreshadowed in the career of FBI architect and director, the corrupt J. Edgar Hoover. It has been notched up to a planetary level of hyper-coordination by George Soros as preliminary to the installation of his global Open Society. In this grandiose plan, state governments (specifically the USA) will be reduced to the level of relay stations for a supranational, Sauron-like centralization of power.

What unites the totalitarian and the new tyrant are three personality characteristics, proposed by Professor John D. Mayer in his 1993 article, “The Emotional Madness of the Dangerous Leader.” The first is indifference. The tyrant is consumed by a single-minded, fanatical purpose and has no regard for the suffering wreaked on others during its implementation. The second is intolerance of those whose opinions differ, facilitated through control of the media, secret and insider knowledge, revenge against anyone who thwarts, and a paranoid mania to shut down all opposition. The third character trait (the foundation of the previous two), is psychopathic grandiosity. The power-abuser assumes a messianic pose of unifying society under a utopian plan and persuading others to participate. The very intensity of the tyrant’s narcissism is transferred to vulnerable supporters eliciting a narcotic rush of enthusiasm.

What is easily overlooked is that the sham scheme is not a political health remedy, but a device for maintaining the megalomaniac’s sense of personal omnipotence. In Soros’ own words, “Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad. In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid.” Soros seems disarming in his frankness. But delusions of grandeur preclude self-knowledge, as Soros’ next statements reveal. “I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”

Soros has spilled bucketloads of words proclaiming he is “amoral,” “self-interested,” and that “normal rules do not apply” to him. “I am unnatural. I am a sort of deux ex machina. I’m very comfortable with my public persona, because it is the one I have created myself.” And this from the man who controls politicians and bureaucrats like a boss giving dictation to his secretary. This is the man who has perfected the subversion of governments, who has robbed failing states, and lavishly endowed every organization and movement destructive of traditional Western society, from abolishing the Electoral College to abolishing life itself if it is in utero, drug-addicted, or senile. His ambition is without borders -- “The Soviet Empire is now the Soros Empire.” “I’m the Pope’s boss now.” And so on, ad nauseum. Yet, like other tyrants, he is untouchable. Those he has made richer and more powerful protect him.

In March 1933 the Germans voted. They could have voted for the moderate Center Christian party. Instead they voted in Hitler. ‘Deplorable’ Americans however confounded Soros by not voting for “What can we do for you, George?” Hillary Clinton. Yet where are the congressional and Senate investigations into Soros? Where is the RICO indictment? Governments have been bought. The media has been bought. The Soros NGO empire operates an invasive, parasitic web currently devouring the body politic of the USA and many other nations besides.

What Trump’s election has revealed is the limitation of the Presidency in withstanding the transfer of power to unelected, publicly unaccountable bureaucrats, and venal politicians, more concerned with their benefices than their constituents. That void has allowed Soros to install himself as de facto puppet-master. We require bureaucracy, and we cannot prevent the existence of associations, but there is an urgent need for reform by abolishing permanency in government and establishing citizens’ tribunals of appeal against abuses of administrative power. 

Recently in an interview on his simpering NPR, Soros confessed he was unprepared for the populist opposition to his insurrectionary agenda. Let us continue our opposition. Let us demand Soros be investigated and brought to justice as conditional for obtaining our vote. Those with connection to him must be banned from public office, and his assets frozen. Then his parasitical minions will shrivel, like leeches desiccated by a pinch of salt. If not, although we may escape the mass slaughter of the twentieth century, it will be at the cost of vassalage beneath a tyrant like George Soros.


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